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author:username - search by author name
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UI for advanced search coming soon!

TokkariHUD  by VHChess


TokkariHUD is my own personal HUD modification for TF2.

My goal with this HUD was to retain the style of TF2 while doing away with aspects I don’t like, while adding my own style and personal flare - as well as taking inspiration from old TF2 menus and The Orange Box. I’ll be updating the HUD based on feedback as well as generally maintaining and touching it up.

Note: Minmode and Comp are not supported. And the HUD is only designed for 16:9

Credits: Raysfire - Tutorials that got me started

Hypnootize - TF2 Icons

Rurre/Pumkin - Reworked Loadout Screen (Thanks for saving me a massive headache!)

Huds.tf - Helpful guides, resources and general help and troubleshooting

DistantPeak - Class Selection Fixes

rbjbaxter - VTF Preloader

Toonhud - For their sourcescheme customize tool