Type to search for HUDs!

Advanced search
author:username - search by author name
name:hud - search by HUD name
tags:minimal - search by tags
has:streamer-mode - search by feature
os:windows - search by HUD operating system
gamemode:pl - search by gamemode UI
res:16/9 - search by resolution
position:center - search by ammo/health positioning

UI for advanced search coming soon!

TeaHud  by DrinkinTea



(uploaded again since database lost)
Darker and more complete version of TeaHud!


-nico_tf, Hypnotize, HUDS.TF’s members (beta testers)
-m0re (player destruction layout)

Special Thanks

-Raysfire (the choosen one “tutorials”)
-Hypnotize (hud beast and good guy)
-Whisker & Wiethoofd (guides and tricks for #base)
-JarateKing (BaseHud)
-Revan (help + support) :tea:

Based on

TeaHud V2